The Club's Results

Peterborough Sprint Regatta, May Term 2005

A multi-lane 500m sprint race held on the Peterborough Rowing Lake.
Sun 5th June

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Light and Dark Trinity, WS3 4+

Joint fastest crew
Time: 1:48
A really good solid row, maybe a little spacky and unbalanced [but partly due to having to row in an 85kg mens 4] - well ahead of the field in out heat, finished with clear water. (Lilie)
beat Cambridge 99s by a canvas
Time: 1:47
SO so close. Very pleased to have beaten a stacked '9s crew, albeit by a tiny margin. Think we all *really* wanted it, and despite a few unbalanced strokes, and not being the prettiest crew there, when we lifted, the boat really moved, unlike the s3 final yesterday [though we hadn't already rowed 4000m today!] and Charlie just kept us pushing all the way, to take 9s at the line - awesome coxing for Charlie's 50th(?!) pot, he almost managed a straight line too ;)
Looking forward to pot hunting over the summer, Go Light and Dark Trinity, woohoo! (Lilie)
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TDC in his single scull, Novice 1x

Went swimming
Poor preparation produces piss poor performance. Lack of sleep combined with a curry strong enough to kill an average Frenchman left me feeling pretty rough in the morning, and I didn't go for my intended practice on the lake, preferring to eat sausages. So I started the race unaware that I was drifting a bit to strokeside.

The first half was ok but a little untidy, by 250 I think I was starting to row through the guy in lane one. Then I found myself too far over because of said drift, and struggled to get back over. Eventually a buoy caught my blade and capsized me. I got back in as quickly as possible but sadly I'd lost too much ground. Very disappointing, I was definitely capable of winning this race. (Tom C)
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TDC in his single scull, Senior 4 1x

Time: 2:01
Two people didn't turn up, so last was good enough to make the repechage. I had an ok row, but the other guy was a bit quicker. (Tom C)
Time: 2:00
The starter chose to leave a pause of about half an hour between "attention" and "go". During this time one of my blades unsquared itself, and as such my first two strokes were completely ineffective, so was a couple of lengths down immediately. If anything I got a bit closer to the guy in the next lane (who lost by a second), but never back into contention.

Need to move the boat in a straight line, and do some more fast pieces to work out the right rhythm. (Tom C)
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