Photo Gallery

May Term 2000, by crew

Pictures Arranged by Crew

1st men's VIII

1. Row down to the star...
2. Row down to the star...
3. Rowing to the start,...

1st women's VIII

1. Rowing over in div 2...
2. Julia, rounding Gras...
3. Rowing over as sandw...

2nd men's VIII

1. 2nd Men's song; Guy ...
2. Head 2nd VIII, under...
3. Ros encouraging arou...

2nd women's VIII

1. Rowing to the start,...
2. Rowing to the start,...
3. Rounding Grassy, Thu...

3rd men's VIII

1. New and improved cre...
2. Going down at Grassy...
3. Going down at Grassy...

3rd women's VIII

1. Bumping at Grassy, F...
2. Rowing to the start,...
3. Rounding Grassy, Sat...

4th men's VIII

1. Gents and Grads befo...
2. 1st post reach
3. 1st post reach - racing

8th men's VIII

1. Setting out

Miscellaneous pictures

1. Kirsten's speech
2. Martin's speech, giv...
3. Laughter during the ...