The Club's Results

Cambridge Winter Head, Mich Term 2022

2nd men's VIII (Student Lower VIIIs)

Coxed by: Steph Lewis

6th in Category (Peterhouse, Pembroke, Magdalene, Maggie, Emma)
Time: 9:43.1
Having originally planned to race twice, this did not happen due to Mihailo being sick just 4 hours before our atbh time. Whether this was due to illness or out of fear of Alex's splashing we do not know. Miraculously the rest of the crew all arrived by 7am, but were unable to find an awake sub in time.

For the second race we managed to get Sam Kittle as a sub and decided that, amongst our unfit and technically mediocre crew, a former Fairbairns winner would be best put in 3 seat. We started the race fairly well and closed in on RUMSBC ahead of us. However once we got to around a length behind, their cox decided to take up the entire river while leaving Grassy. Bomber shouted at them as Steph had no room to overtake, leaving us stuck in their dirty water. After the confusion we lost a bit of power before taking the rate and speed up in the last few hundred metres.

We finished in 9:43.1 which was the 6th fastest time out of the M2 boats. Overall, while we feel like there is still a lot of room for improvement, we are relatively happy with the result and can tell that we've improved since Autumn Head.
(Oscar Allen)