The Club's Results

Champion of the Thames Eights Head, May Term 2010

5th men's VIII (Men's 5th Div Mays)

Coxed by: Katie Lam

Time: 5:43
With Ironman at two we were always going to struggle, as his suit design is optimized for combat rather than rowing. Were he to deploy the fullest extent of his mechanically assisted turboguns we would have skewed of the start until his rigger detached company with the boat. As such he was forced to row light pressure for the length of the course, perhaps explaining our slow time. However all was not bad, we beat quite a few women, which as a men's 5th crew has to be our primary aim.

In all seriousness, a bit more rhythm, and more pressure through the early stages of the race would have seen us hold the crews around us far more effectively. I'm confident the crew can get the job done come bumps. (Swords)
As Richard said, Ironman was designed to fly not row, and certainly not encounter water due to rusting issues.

That aside, our start was not great but we hit a really good rhythm in the first section of the Reach. Unfortunately it seemed that we could not believe how good the rowing felt at this stage that we lost it all again, eventually scrambling over the finish.

More training on the cards now. (Mark)