The Club's Results

Henley Women's Regatta, May Term 2010

1st women's VIII (Intermediate Academic VIIIs)

Coxed by: Richard Sworder

Time: 5:05
One of our best rows this term. We were at a solid 34 for most of the course, with massive pushes past Remenham farm and Upper Thames that took the rate up to 36. Thanks to some sideline timing by Jimmy and Nick we know that we qualified as 12th out of 27 boats. (Anne)
Was a pretty decent row, despite having no real idea where the start was. We did enough certainly, being the only college crew to qualify with an eight. (Swords)
1st round
Lost to Birmingham by 1 length
We were about half a length down from the start, which we held for the first 500m, inching back and forth a bit after we hit our stride. A good push saw us coming back a bit only for them to counter and move three quarters of a length up past Remenham farm. Unfortunately, in the next push someone's blade got stuck at the finish throwing us off balance for the next two strokes. We quickly got back into our rhythm but had lost the seat we clawed back in that push. After that I think we faltered a bit and they slowly inched out to about a length up, which we held into the finish.
It was a very good race, our first proper side-by-side, against a crew who was 9 sec faster in the qualifier. It's a bit sad knowing that we could have had an easier draw if we were a bit slower in the qualifier, but we put up a good fight and didn't give them anything easily. I could hear their cox scream at the top of her voice through the second half of the race and we made them work hard for their victory.
Keen for next year! (Anne)
Our lack of training as a full crew showed here, our start was half a length slower, but our general rowing was about on speed. This is perhaps obvious as Liz had done maybe 10 starts with the crew in total, and certainly less than 5 with Rachel at 7. Useful experience nonetheless, partly for me to do HRR in a few days, but mostly so we an come back next year and have a better prepared crack at this competition. (Swords)