The Club's Results

Lent Bumps 2009

2nd women's VIII

Crew list for 4 races:

Coxed by: Danny McMillan

Crew list for 2 races:

Coxed by: Danny McMillan

Rowed over
A gutsy, determined row over that's definitely one of the best rows we've had as a crew.

It was pretty controlled off the start (the real one...) and we wound to about 38 before settling around 33. By grassy we were inside a length and a solid push saw us close to half a length by ditton. However we died a bit round the corner and they were able to pull ahead. Not long before the finish they crabbed and we steadily gained on them, but it was too little too late and they crossed the line about half a length clear.

Tomorrow we are chasing Wolfson who we should catch, which means we are still on for going up a division. (DM)
Bumped Wolfson
Most tense race ever!! I'm so sorry I made it harder for you girls by catching a crab after the start, but the crew coped really well with it and stayed cool, getting back together quickly. The push round and out of Ditton was amazing, and getting a bump on the line has never felt so good!!! Thank you so much for getting me my first bump guys!! And Happy Birthday Rosie from W2. (Louise)
Coxing is a constant learning curve, but apparantly I pay a bit too much attention sometimes. Having been told by a million people not to steer for a bump, I can now appreciate that it's ok to do so when you have quite a few feet of overlap. Hopefully I have now had my share of fuck ups for the week.

The start felt nice - it's going to take more than a crab and some over optimistic whistles from the crew behind to unsettle us. We ditched the stride and powered along at 36 round first post and grassy where some nice pushes saw us fend off Clare and move within a length of Wolfson. At ditton it all got interesting. They went wide and a solid push from us saw us close to half a length. Then an even better push saw us close the gap steadily with every stroke. At this point everyone on the bank was screaming at me to steer over, but apparantly I go deaf in races. We hit them eventually with their bow over the line. Phew!!!

Thanks to Wolfson for a great race and to their cox for pulling us in when marshalling. Cheers, much appreciated. Thanks to the girls for getting me my first bump and sorry to our bank party for making it so tense.

Tomorrow we have nothing chasing us and have a longer course to have another go at Corpus over. Hopefully we can keep it together in the second half of the race and take the bump that eluded us yesterday. (DM)
Well it doesn't get much more exciting than that. You didn't lose nerve after the crab and you pushed off the other crew nicely which was truly admirable. In the nick of time you also decided that a bit more pressure could go down which resulted in the space between the whistles being very small for that stage in the race. Couldn't really ask for more drama or a more deserved bump. Well done. (Jij)
You were giving me a good scare listening on the radio. The commentary is variable but the guy on first post knew who the crews were and seemed to suggest you were being caught.

As more information came through it seemed like you had rowed over half a length of... Therefore it was a pleasant surprise when the radio guy asked a marshall who said simply 'FaT bumped Wolfson.' (Thomas)
This was a bit close! The bump happened literally at the finish. Wolfson had already gotten their bowball over the line - but it's a stern finish in bumps - and contact was made before the stern had crossed the line. Excellent work! (Richard)
Rowed over as sandwich boat
Not much to say about this one. Frantic start, shit cornering and a bump in front of us almost straight away didn't really leave us with many options. We had a peak at the overbump but the rowing never really came together and with every stroke it seemed less likely. We know we can row better than this. (DM)
Rowed over Head
Losing a rower to illness overnight wasn't exactly ideal preparation for the day. Sonya kindly agrred to sub and fitted in no problem on the row up with katie coping pretty well at 7 as well.

We were confident for the row over having bumped Wolfson earlier in the week, but we knew that they would be behind us for a fair bit. Our start was clean but lacked power and this let them take some distance off us in the gut, but after we came round grassy (a bit tight...) a series of pushes saw us pull away. By the time we came onto the reach there was loads of clear water between the crews and then Clare II bumped Wolfson at ditton. We wound it down to complete an enjoyable row over. (DM)
Bumped St. Edmund's as sandwich boat
Well done girls! you did what we could not last year :D go get corpus tomorrow!! (Kristina)
After the earlier row spirits were high among the crew. We had a great row down to the start complete with two immense practice starts. Even Louise was smiling while we were pulled in at the lock!

The start was powerful and controlled, although we may have settled a few pips too high. This didn't really matter as we had planned to be in for the short haul. Once round the corner (without hitting any reeds this time) we were inside a length and moved to within half a length by the bridge. A nice push saw us close the gap even further and we hit them not long after the motorway bridge which turns out not to be the best place in the world to bump due to a slight paucity of greenery. Oh well, with my bumps record I'll take anything.

We've achieved our aim of moving up a division and tomorrow resume our tussle with corpus. Hopefully third time's a charm... (DM)
Well done girls! Finally in the 2nd division - you deserve it! (Mark)
What an amazing day of rowing. I owe massive thanks to Sonya for filling in, but also for allowing me to experience the joy of the 7 seat. Or maybe it was just our rowing today that felt so good! Either way, it was an awesome day.

Keen to get Corpus tomorrow! (Katie)
Congratulations on moving up a division, and best of luck for the last row :) (Charley)
Well done guys! You are really kicking butt. Miss you all heaps.
Belinda :) (Belinda)

1. Rowing over as sandw...
2. Back of the pack - c...
3. Skewing round Wolfso...