The Club's Results

Christmas Head, Mich Term 2008

Xmas IV (S4 4+)

1st women's IV
in Sirens
bow Amy Koh 2 Julia Attwood
3 Anne Hempel str Ulrike Bauer

Coxed by: Rachel Croft

Time: 12:09
Let's call it an outing under race conditions...

With only 4 outings before the race and 3 crew members who had never been in a racing IV before this week, there was not much to expect and we were definitely not going for a good time but rather for a decent row. Consequently, we rowed most of the race at about rate 21. Coming up towards Elizabeth Way Bridge the schoolboy's VIII chasing us caught up quickly which caused us to have a spontaneous burst at about 25 that felt surprisingly good and made the boat move suddenly. Unfortunately it only lasted until the schoolboys crashed into us trying to push through on the inside of the bend (where there was about a meter between our blades and the concrete wall).

A very useful practise for the (Ex-)novices though, and the definite proof that you can fit Rachel into the cox seat of Sirens ;-)! (Ulrike)