The Club's Results

LMBC erg champs, May Term 2007

1st women's VIII, The Herd of Elephants (and three gazelles) (Women's 1st)

Coxed by: Rachel Croft

Won - average split 1:43.7
Time: 13:49.8
Our pack of rampaging (and more delicate) wild beasts walked all over Emma with ease. Pity that no-one else turned up to challenge us...surely they're not all scared already?
(average split time including changeovers 1:43.7 - I can't submit it in the Result description as it tries to add it to the overall time) (Jane)
I don't think I really count as a gazelle with my little legs.. besides, that would imply some grace on my part (and apart from anything, the floral lycra does away with that, excused by the fact that i'd come straight from the BH and my third outing of the day, and yes, the adjective you're looking for is _beautiful_). Overall we rocked, though I'm glad they took off the changeovers cos I sucked at that. Just wait till we get all that power in a boat! (Joff)