The Club's Results

Queens' Novice Ergo Competition, Mich Term 2003

1st women's novice VIII (1st division)

Time: 14:33.3
Tonight's performance was simply mind blowing. Every one of the girls excelled. From the start they began to ease ahead of the opposition, then left them utterly behind- topping the finalists list, a comfortable 40-odd seconds ahead of queens.
The final was harder, but the girls handled the immense pressure brilliantly, and calmly got on with the job in hand, again winning by a ludicrous margin. Absolutely brilliant! (jo)
An utterly brilliant start to the year for our ladies - pulling ahead to win the first round we sailed into the Upper Division Final a clear 40 seconds ahead of Queens, our next closest competition. The Final was a little more tense but our girls did themselves proud and went on to steal the championship title with over 35 seconds between them and Queens. We creamed Maggie utterly - they came in after Queens with a time of 15:15:60. Jesus were next but our girls were truly the victors of the evening. A Queens rower standing next to me in the Awards Presentation said astoundedly 'but they look really normal!!' when our women went up to collect their cups. Nice one! (Danae)
Our archive shows the fastest women's times in 2002 and 2001 to have been 14:57.0 and 14.57.2 respectively.
Hope everyone likes the pictures :-) (Martin)

1. "FAT 1"
2. Knackered but job do...
3. Very nice Isabel!