The Club's Results

Head of the Charles, Mich Term 2003

BPBC Head of the Charles Crew (Club Fours)

BPBC 1st men's IV
bow Simon Blackburn 2 Andy Pickard
3 Dan Darley str Stephen Robson

Coxed by: Raf Carbonell

3rd out of 41
Time: 17:36.96
[until we write something more detailed]
After a shaky start we settled into a solid rythm rating around 34 and quickly overhauled the crew starting two in front, who were struggling a little. There was a light headwind for most of the first mile but nothing serious, so we were able to keep tapping it along at 33+ and went into Week's bridge with decent pace preceeded by various crews who were getting an earful from Raf. This seemed to work as we tended to stay on the racing line whilst they took a more scenic route.
After the bow side trauma's of the Week's bridge corner there was a short straight before a brief strokeside bend and then the "daddy" of the corners there - a 180 degree bow-side turn lasting a good 2 minutes. Fortunately we stayed on the inside line and started to work through some of the slower crews who had drifted to the outside.
We had a go at lifting the rate for the last 500m but were starting to get scrappy so didn't manage the most speedy charge for the line. Still, our time was good so it looked like we had met the 5% off 1st place time target to get a guaranteed place next year so the main goal was achieved. It was only later that we learnt that we had somehow kicked butt and managed to sneak into 3rd place.
Roll on next year and Champ IVs.... (Dan)

1. Bowside corner...
2. Approaching Cambridg...
3. Coming into the bend...