First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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First and Third Trinity

Club News & Notices

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28th Nov '01BPBC crews for Fridayby mcp
Ok, with BPBC (First and Third old boys) crews for Friday shaping up (see latest post from the buffers), it's time to get going on your guesstimate for the relative times of BPBC and FaT!
With plenty of May colours on board you think BPBC should go pretty swiftly, but to what extent will three weeks of rowing as crews benefit First and Third?
If you've no idea just have a guess anyway and maybe win a bottle of wine out of it for Saturday night...
23rd Nov '01Men's 2k ergo challengeby jwe
In the new vein of challenges resulting in prizes, I am offering a bottle of wine to the man whose 2k on Tuesday shows greatest improvement on the start of term (in watts). The current leader is Dan Walker, who in the 4 weeks of the last training cycle improved by 20.8 watts, followed closely by Dan Jane with 19 watts. (2 replies...)
22nd Nov '01Clare Novice Regattaby mcp
The Clare Novice Regatta runs from today through to Saturday. It is great fun to row in and good to watch too - get down there and support our crews!
Here are the times of our races. "Marshalling" times are at Chesterton - these races could be expected to run perhaps 15 mins after this time.
Men's 1st & 2nd VIIIs
   Marshalling at
   Sat. 10, 12:30, 1:20, 2:10, 3:00
Men's 3rd VIII
   Racing at Thur. 2:00
   Marshalling at Thur. 3:20
                  Sat. 10:50, 2:10, 3:00
Men's 4th VIII
   Marshalling at Thur. 2:30, 3:20
                  Sat. 10:50, 2:10, 3:00
Men's 5th VIII
   Racing at Thur. 2:00
   Marshalling at Thur. 2:30, 3:20
                  Sat. 10:50, 2:10, 3:00
Women's 1st VIII
   Marshalling at
   Sat. 8:20, 11:40, 3:20, 2:10, 3:00
Women's 2nd VIII
   Marshalling at Fri. 2:30, 3:20
                  Sat. 10:50, 2:10, 3:00
Good luck everyone! (1 reply...)
19th Nov '01Indoor Erg Championshipsby mcp
Thanks to Matthew Byrne for this brief resume of times from the BIRC. Tom's time in particular is a good improvement on his previous Personal Best.
5.38.3 World Record

5.47.5 Matthew Pinsent
5.47.6 James Cracknell

6.32.7 Simon Kinigit (trialling CUBC)
6.38.9 Tom Rose (trialling lightweights)
6.47.1 Joe Grundy (trialling lightweights)
6.49.2 John Earl (trialling lightweights)
6.54.4 Graham Fisher (old boy, left 1999)
7.58.2 Sarah Taylor (trialling lightweights)

If you want to find out more about it, the Concept II BIRC website is here.
25th Oct '01Autumn Head restoredby jwe
After giving out to everyone that the Autumn Head would be cancelled yesterday, the news went out this morning that the event would still be run.

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